
Many months back, almost like 1 and 1/2 years back, I met a very curious and amazingly sarcastic and witty kid of 16.. Back then I didnt know he was so young.. and yet.. we had so much fun chatting on yahoo and gtalk and ofcourse orkut.. The hallmark of our chats was use of “Tamil” A language we both are not really very fluent in… Oh yeah and his name is Akshay.. And here are his some of the most funny pronouncements.. you can also read it in his scrap book!

## Be careful before being the first person to do something that is easy, there is a reason you are the first.

Akshayism 7.3.29

## The simple difference between something which you need and something you have is that your needs keep changing without you having to do anything about them

Akshayism 22(otherwise rejected material), chapter 6 the simple differences.

##When in doubt, accept that you are in doubt

Akshayism 7.8.124

##The only difference between you and me is right now, you read, while I’m somewhere probably doing something productive.

Akshayism 22(otherwise rejected material), chapter 6 the simple differences.

##Depression is what happens when on a sunny day, your triple scoop ice cream falls on the ground because you wanted to know the time

Akshayism 3.1.9

##The size of your brain is inversely proportional to your eagerness to measure it.

Akshayism 5.6.61

##Go to hell, at least you’d be sure you’ve reached the bottom.

Akshayism 5.3.14

##Yes, No and Maybe. the only three replies you need to know while listening to advice.

Akshayism 3.5.11

##Security is what is given to the strong by the weak, to keep them strong.

Akshayism 6.5.12

##Just when you thought everything is right, your still wrong

Akshayism chapter 7(pessimism for enlightenment)

P.S: If you are wondering what the numbers mean.. he says..

About Akshayism:

The excerpts in my scrapbook(s/b as i recently learnt) are from a self composed document called Akshayism, yes to your delight they aren’t copy written so you can use them for making a piracy industry bigger than the one already present of bollywood films.
Though i do not intend to share the entire document, for obvious reasons, you can constantly find scripts from the text.

Ooh and the numbers below aren’t exactly random, they are organized to a high degree.

P.P.S: Reproduced after asking the author.. I hope this post makes you keen to post your thoughts onto your Showcase .. yeh it is his blog in collaboration with a friend which has no new posts in a very long time!

P.P.P.S: there you go.. its been posted akki πŸ˜€

10 thoughts on “Akshayism..

  1. Socrates: I have never seen a boy genius who grew up to reach greatness whatsoever(he meant one must enjoy childhood before ever doing anything), it is the essence of childhood we stealing now-a-days that makes the world so cruel as we it seems.

    Winnie, sorry i dont think i can post regularly on the blog, am a little busy after all:
    Whenever you want to really do something, with all eagerness and desperation, be sure, the whole world will get together and conspire against you to see it does not happen.

    Akshayism 1.6.51

  2. Ah akki!

    Thats a fitting comment for this blog post πŸ˜€

    Though I am disappointed that you wont blog post but i am happy to read akshayism πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  3. hmmm, plenty of refutable opinions here…i wouldn’t count them as wise, but maybe somewhat witty…except for #1 which is kindof wise, and #3 which can be generalised to when you are “X”, accept that you are “X” πŸ™‚

Humor me please? *winks*