Bangalore Bandh

We had bandh today. Rather, it was supposed to be one but it fell flat. And the reason was that government was unveiling the statue of Thiruvalluvar , a centuries old and quite a famous poet (even i know of his poems read thiru kural) .

I am glad that it fell flat. Though I do find it odd that someone would unveil this statue here instead of in TN. For I believe there would certainly be some Kannada writer who lost his place in glorification for posterity. Might be then, some people would have dug out few books of the said author and read them. But that opportunity was lost.

However, a poet par excellence has found a space in this craze of glorification of politicians! That is commendable.

And the people of Bangalore didn’t rise upto the stupid regionalism of the protestors. That makes me super glad. Infact I am pleasantly surprised that there were only 50 protestors, inspite of it being a sunday!

15 thoughts on “Bangalore Bandh

  1. Meena,

    I was in Bangalore yesterday and could see that the bandh fell flat. But…yeah… apparently a statue of a Kannada poet is being unveiled in TN. Or so appa told me! 🙂


    Me: Hey! That is wonderful! Hope bangalore seemed a wee bit better to you than before 🙂 I certainly can see that it atleast inspired you to write a poem 🙂

    Oh and if that piece of news is true. Then there is still hope that this enimity between kannadigas and tamilians can find some reduction :- )

    1. Yeah… the poem has been meant to be written after so many trips to Bangalore and yesterday it was never meant to be – but I just wanted to add something to the rather idiotically rambled post I had written earlier in the day…
      As for Bangalore… sighs… guess it will always represent Janus faces to me! Cheers M!

  2. Hey Akka! long time since I visited this space. Promise to be a regular hereafter! Yep, I heard it fell flat, too. Cheers to the spirit, if not for anything else.

    Me: Honey! You drop in anytime you can 🙂

    P.S- There is a huge statue of Thiruvalluvar in TN right in the middle of the sea, OK, maybe not ‘middle’ middle but somewhere close to the middle 🙂

    Me: Oh is it? Where exactly? I never knew!

    1. That statue is in Kanyakumari, quite close to the sea but in the sea nevertheless. It is a huge statue, about 30-40 meters tall! I hope these two statues (One in bglore and one in chennai (Sarvajna) would not be harmed at the slightest provocation due to some water issues…

      Destination Infinity

  3. i read it in news that there were protests against unveiling of the statue.. glad that people gave the ‘protesters’ the right answer for their bandh:)

    Me: Oh yes!

  4. Find it really foolish that people have the time to spend it on such causes!!

    Me: Ppl have time and they will do anything to pass it. I remember going for a protest in Mumbai Uni. I went to have fun with friends. Most did!

  5. its really sad that people dont really think before they do something like this…glad it fell flat.

    Me: I agree! However, my friend says its coz nearly 1000 ppl were imprisoned. I hope thats not true. I like to believe in goodness of men.. common man

  6. I saw this statue unveiling live. Kannada sounded so sweet. Sorry, but I don’t know what else to say cos I ve been acting so dumb the whole day:|

    Me: Honey you don’t have to apologize. You could simply say.. I was here 😉

  7. ‘And the people of Bangalore didn’t rise upto the stupid regionalism of the protestors. That makes me super glad. ‘ – I am super glad too. This kind of senseless politics will change only when people refuse to rise up to such provocation…

Humor me please? *winks*